Topic Score Rubric

We rank each topic based on the criteria below to determine if the subject is relevant, actionable, and clarifying. Additionally, we ensure that each topic does not incite violence, glorify hate speech, or focus exclusively on a sensational one-time event.

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Score: 88%

Notes from the Newsroom:

Facebook’s role in the spread of misinformation leading up to the 2016 election cycle was a unprecedented and inspired a great deal of research into how misinformation or “fake news” spreads. It also pushed Facebook to start fact-checking posts via third-parties. Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook then chose to back off of their fact-checking only as it relates to politicians citing a limitation to free speech and accountability of politicians. Not only was this move controversial, but it also plays into larger discussion about the power of big tech, fake news, and the conduct of influencers on social media. What do you think?